Welcome to the LifeCamp wiki
LifeCamp is a BarCamp-style yet private discussion/gathering that focuses on the question:
What are you doing with your life?
The format of LifeCamp is open and collaborative, with participants helping to lead sessions on topics that connect with personal interests, expertise, or enthusiasm.
LifeCamp is both an idea and specific instances thereof. The idea can be implemented by anyone in the comfort of their own home, with a set of friends and colleagues that feel comfortable discussing these topics together.
Learn more about past LifeCamps by reading: LifeCamp, LifeCampRules, SessionIdeas, SessionNotes, PastLifeCamps, and PostMortem
- 2009-06-28 LifeCamp2009Q2PortZero (upcoming)
- 2009-09-27 LifeCamp2009Q3PortZero (upcoming)
- 2009-12-31..2010-01-01 LifeCamp2009PortZero (upcoming)
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Organizing a LifeCamp? Please use this wiki for planning. The password is lifecamp-sf.
See: OrganizeLifeCamp for more details and a template of some steps to take!
See PastLifeCamps.
In late 2007 Juliette Melton and Tantek Çelik discussed various end of year rituals practiced by different cultures, like parties, resolutions, etc, and decided that some of their best experiences with such events were the times spent reflecting on the past year, as well as consciously deciding what to change in the new year. They decided to try hosting a small intimate BarCamp that was focused on that general framing, summarized as "What are you doing with your life?", and called it LifeCamp. They created this wiki, publicly planned LifeCamp2007PortZero, and documented their experiences so that anyone anywhere could re-use what they had created/learned to do their own LifeCamp.
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