
LifeCamp2007PortZero Schedule



2007-12-30 - Sunday

LifeCamp day 1

11amish brunch

noon Sessions begin - reflection: MonthByMonthReview

6pm dinner out

8pm sessions continue PersonalBestWorst / Inspiration / ShowAndTell


Sessions covered


Participants welcomed/encouraged to stay overnight.


Leftovers from 2007-12-30 - Sunday


2007-12-31 - Monday

LifeCamp day 2

noon brunch

1:45pm session brainstorming

2pm PersonalBestWorst recap, MonthByMonthReview for new folks

3:15pm break

3:50pm LessonsLearned

4:10pm GoalStorming

5:35pm GTDReview

6:52pm CoCoaching

8:00pm dinner

8:45pm clean & prep for the party

9pm New Year's Eve party


See also LifeCamp2007PortZeroSessionNotes

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